Spring Wish List: Where I’ll Spend & Where I’ll Save

I find that keeping a list (usually in a note on my iPhone) of things I’d like to add to my closet helps keep me from making impulse buys when I’m out shopping. This season I’m taking it a step further and dividing up my wish list items by the amount I want to spend on them. Good news: even my “big ticket” items are under $100. Here’s to a frugal spring!

Spring Wish list - big ticket items

Dress (Anthropologie) // Jeans (Express)

Spring wish list - medium ticket items
Jacket (Kohl’s) // Skirt (J. Crew Factory)

Spring wish list - small ticket items

Jacket (Kohl’s) // Lipstick (Nordstrom)

7 thoughts on “Spring Wish List: Where I’ll Spend & Where I’ll Save”

  1. I started shopping with lists last year and it has really curbed my impulse buys. I like that you put so much thought in to how much use you’ll get out of each item in order to settle ona price range. That’s smart!

  2. This is smart! I also like and respect that you have reasonable price ranges. I was on another blog where the blogger had purchased a palm-tree printed jacked for $250 and thought nothing of spending that kind of coin on a really trendy (read: limited time use) piece. It’s REALLY rare that any of my clothing purchases venture into the three figures.

    1. Oh yes I might even know the blog you’re talking about 😉 Hey, if you have the kind of income where it’s reasonable to spend that much on a wear-once-or-twice piece, more power to ya. But I am certainly not one of those people, at least right now! (It’s also possible that some bloggers sell their clothes and recoup some of the money.)

  3. I agree with the above comment. Sometimes the “spend vs. save” posts on blogs or magazines are like “look! Shoes for only $300 dollars! It’s a total steal!” and I am like “um…no.” I’ve started keeping a clothing wish list, and I like the idea of sorting things into what I’m willing to spend. Brilliant!

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