Sweater Soldier

madewell sweater, boyfriend jeans, sock booties, YSL college bag

When: January 5 // Weather: cold // Real life: Saturday night tiki bar outing

madewell sweater, boyfriend jeans, sock booties, YSL college bag

madewell sweater, boyfriend jeans, sock booties, YSL college bag

madewell sweater, boyfriend jeans, sock booties, YSL college bag

madewell sweater, boyfriend jeans, sock booties, YSL college bag

There’s a new tiki bar in town and I’ve already been twice this month. It is themed to the max, with fake thunderstorms and everything. You might be thinking, “why would you have a tiki bar in Indianapolis?” But if anyone deserves to have giant tropical drinks in January, it’s Midwesterners. Sure, Canada’s even colder, but they have their universal health care and mentally balanced leader to keep them warm.

So cheers to my fellow Sweater Soldiers holding it down in Indiana and beyond. This mai tai’s for you.

Sweater (on sale) // similar Jeans // Belt (under $20!) // Bag (cheaper option) // Boots (on sale)



One More Pair

sock boots, sweater boots, sweater skirt, winter work outfit ideas

When: Jan. 3 // Weather: 40s // Real life: work

sock boots, sweater boots, sweater skirt, winter work outfit ideas

sock boots, sweater boots, sweater skirt, winter work outfit ideas

sock boots, sweater boots, sweater skirt, winter work outfit ideas

sock boots, sweater boots, sweater skirt, winter work outfit ideas

It’s funny – one day I can be standing in my dressing room saying to myself, “I couldn’t possibly need any more boots,” and then the next day, I can be buying another pair of boots. It’s important to be open-minded, you know? Wouldn’t want to be stuck in one way of thinking.

Skirt (on sale) // Boots (on sale) // similar Sweater // similar Bag // Earrings // similar Sunglasses
