Beauty & the Booze

the beauty bar at geist, indianapolis salon review, salon that serves alcohol, fishers salon reviewShirt (on sale) // Necklace (on sale)

Over the weekend I had my first manicure in more than 3 years. My last one was horrible and left me with a bloody cuticle. Yes, I said bloody. So what made me willing to give manicures another try? Well, I got an invitation to try out the Beauty Bar at Geist, a salon that has a liquor license – the first of its kind in Indiana, apparently! So you can go get a manicure, pedicure, haircut, whatever…all while sipping a glass of wine or a cocktail. (In case you’re wondering, the people giving you the manicure, pedicure, or haircut do NOT get tipsy while they serve you. Probably a good call.)

My appointment was in the morning, so I went with a mimosa. Vitamin C, yo.

the beauty bar at geist, indianapolis salon review, salon that serves alcohol, fishers salon review the beauty bar at geist, indianapolis salon review, salon that serves alcohol, fishers salon reviewShoes (on sale)

I’m very happy to report that my manicure at the Beauty Bar was 1000% better than my last one. And that’s not just the booze talking. I told the nail technician (is that what they’re called?) my horror story, so she was very gentle on my sensitive cuticles. She also gave a kick-ass hand massage! Very relaxing.

the beauty bar at geist, indianapolis salon review, salon that serves alcohol, fishers salon review the beauty bar at geist, indianapolis salon review, salon that serves alcohol, fishers salon review

The color I chose was “Mint Convertible” by CND Vinylux. It claims to last 7 days. We shall see! I’m on day 4 now and it still looks as great as it did day-of. Here’s the finished product…

the beauty bar at geist, indianapolis salon review, salon that serves alcohol, fishers salon reviewRing the beauty bar at geist, indianapolis salon review, salon that serves alcohol, fishers salon review

Besides the great manicure and cocktail, I also liked that this place didn’t feel like a typical salon. They’re usually so clinical-looking, you know? And they smell like weird chemicals. This place was super cute and more inviting than my own apartment.

the beauty bar at geist, indianapolis salon review, salon that serves alcohol, fishers salon review

You know what all this means? The Beauty Bar gets the coveted SASS (Sarah’s Awesome Stamp of Satisfaction)! I don’t hand these out easily, folks. So for my central Indiana folks, I definitely recommend a visit to the Beauty Bar. I’m sure it would be a great place for a bridal party to get their nails done together. You can also get massages and waxing; see the full list of services here.

the beauty bar at geist, indianapolis salon review, salon that serves alcohol, fishers salon review

Disclosure: I was given a complimentary manicure and cocktail in exchange for a review. However, all opinions are my own, as I have not figured out how to have anyone else’s opinions.

New Accessorizons

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A few years ago, I was all about earrings and rings. These days I’m more of a necklace and bracelet girl (although I did get a couple really freaking nice rings in 2008 and 2011). But I picked up these ginormous earrings on a whim recently, and I got these fun rings as a gift. So for this first day of the Black Out challenge, I decided to start with some really basic non-black neutrals, and then let my bold new accessories do the talking. I even made the strategic decision to go with a neutral lip and minimal eye makeup because seriously…these earrings are huge.

similar Earrings // similar Scarf // similar Sweater (almost identical) // Jeans // similar Boots (on sale) // similar Round Ring* //  Nails “Oui”  // Lips “Please Me”

*Rings provided courtesy of House of Gemmes.