Snow Shoes…Sort of.

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As much I love suede, calf hair, and leather (real or faux) on my feet, it’s always good to have some shoes made of cheap man-made materials. If I’ve learned one thing living in Indiana for 9 years, it’s to expect the unexpected, especially in the winter. After my recent snow boot fail, I had decided to forget about trying to follow the weather forecast. I saw some snowflakes out the window, so I went for these all-weather heels in the hopes that not too much more would fall. I survived. Maybe “snow pumps” will become the new thing.

(Or maybe not. The future lawyer in me sees a lot of liability issues with marketing stilettos for icy conditions. Let’s scratch that idea. Snow strut at your own risk.)

Dress: Target (similar here and here)

Cardigan: (similar)

Necklace: Target (bought recently but can’t find it online)

Shoes: Macy’s Style & Co. (similar)

Belt: came with another dress (similar)

Tights: Frenchi (If you’re in the market for some new black opaque tights, I recommend these! They’re really sturdy feeling and the waist band is super comfy. Pretty warm too.)

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Thanksgiving Date






20121124-093017.jpgI’ve done just about every kind of Thanksgiving:

I’ve had plenty of traditional turkey dinners at home with immediate and extended family, where I watched (a) my mom freak out about cooking and/or (b) my grandpa fall asleep on the couch in front of a football game.

One year, I went to New York and saw the Macy’s parade and had dinner with some people I had never met before who very generously let me and my friend come over to their tiny apartment.

I’ve had dinner with Kristin’s very large extended family, which, like the Macy’s parade, involves a large cast of characters. I’ve had Thanksgiving at the beach, which included sipping champagne while watching the waves (that was a particularly good one). Last year, I went to a potluck “Friendsgiving.”

That brings us up to date…to this year, when I added yet another variation of Turkey Day to my repertoire: a Thanksgiving date of dinner and a movie! I spent all day with the person I’m most thankful for (I know…gag). We made breakfast and ate it in bed while watching the parade (the Macy’s one, not her family), then got gussied up and went to see a movie, and finished the night with dinner at Cooper’s Hawk Winery (we took pumpkin pie cheesecake to go and I even shared a little of it). So there you have it: a fabulously uncomplicated and fun Thanksgiving, and a great excuse for this outfit. Now, if anyone can think of something new for me to do next year, let me know! Thanks.

Also, don’t think I forgot today is Cyber Monday. Since this blog is more about  my style and my random nonsensical thoughts than it is about shopping tips, I decided not to do a special post for sales alerts. However, I will be posting links with sales and promo codes on the Sarah’s Real Life Facebook page and on Twitter, so you can follow along there if you’d like!

Dress: Target

Belt: J. Crew (similar on sale)

Shoes: Victoria’s Secret, old (similar)

Bag: old (similar)

Sunglasses: Target

Don’t forget to follow me on Bloglovin’…You’ll get to see what I wear next Thanksgiving and every day in between!