Real Clothes

ann taylor white jeans, embellished chambray shirt, snakeskin pumps, silver satchel, fancy ponytail ann taylor white jeans, embellished chambray shirt, snakeskin pumps, silver satchel, fancy ponytail ann taylor white jeans, embellished chambray shirt, snakeskin pumps, silver satchel, fancy ponytail ann taylor white jeans, embellished chambray shirt, snakeskin pumps, silver satchel, fancy ponytail ann taylor white jeans, embellished chambray shirt, snakeskin pumps, silver satchel, fancy ponytail ann taylor white jeans, embellished chambray shirt, snakeskin pumps, silver satchel, fancy ponytail

Ever since I’ve been back from the beach, I’ve had a lot of trouble getting myself dressed. Like in real clothes, with shoes and accessories and everything. Oh, to be back at the beach, where a bikini top counts as a bra (or as a shirt, for that matter). I spent an embarrassingly long time coming up with this outfit to run errands and go to the movies on Monday. It mostly worked out OK, but my feet were killing me by the end of the day. But I would like to point out that I spent most of last week in bare feet, so I’m still getting used to the shoe thing. Either I make very impractical shoe choices, or I really needed that vacation. Probably both.

Top (on sale) // Jeans (on sale) // Shoes (on sale) // similar Bag (on sale)

Apparently I like black, white, & blue. It’s the real life remix…

ann taylor white jeans, embellished chambray shirt, snakeskin pumps, silver satchel, fancy ponytail

Feeling Like Myself

halogen summer scarf, embellished short sleeve sweatshirt, target snakeskin heels halogen summer scarf, embellished short sleeve sweatshirt, target snakeskin heels halogen summer scarf, embellished short sleeve sweatshirt, target snakeskin heels halogen summer scarf, embellished short sleeve sweatshirt, target snakeskin heels halogen summer scarf, embellished short sleeve sweatshirt, target snakeskin heels

This outfit is actually from a couple weeks ago – the last day of my Bar review course. The day before, I had put absolutely no effort into my appearance and I was in a total funk all day. So the next day I wore this. I’ll be the first to admit I had absolutely no one to impress; all my fellow Bar-preppers were stressed and too worried about themselves to notice what I was wearing (I’m just assuming this based on the fact that I was stressed and didn’t notice what anyone else was wearing). But darn it if I didn’t feel a million times better about life.

However, now that we’re only a week out from exam time, please don’t ask me how I feel about life currently. K thanks.

Top (on sale) // Scarf // Shoes (on sale) // Jeans // similar Sunglasses (on sale)

Here’s where you’ve seen these outlook improvers before: It’s the Real Life Remix…

halogen summer scarf, embellished short sleeve sweatshirt, target snakeskin heels