VIP status…or something

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A new C. Wonder store opened at the mall down the street from me last week, and I was invited to the “VIP” opening party. Apparently the VIP threshold is very low because I received no less than three separate invitations to this thing, which I guess makes me an extra VIP. Of course, despite the triple invitation, my name was still not on the list when I got there, but luckily they didn’t give me much trouble. I assume it was this adorable outfit that made me look like I belonged.

So once I went in, I immediately noticed that everyone in the store had a wine glass in their hand, but I couldn’t figure out where those wine glasses came from. It was really crowded, so I just started wandering around hoping to see someone I knew and to eventually find the source of the booze. I cannot even tell you how many times I circled this place sans drink, sans friends, and sans cell phone service, but it took at least 30 minutes.

I seriously considered leaving, but then I finally got my hands on a cocktail. Now I don’t mean to suggest that I have to drink to have a good time. It’s just that if you get invited to something that has “VIP” in the title (but is really just a ploy to get you to spend money), you should at least get some perks.

So I had a couple drinks and loosened up enough to enjoy the fun music, talk to a few people, and pick out a couple things to take home with me (don’t judge…everything was 20% off).



All in all, I am glad I went (and stayed). I just wish I could have avoided the awkward part at the beginning. So there you have it folks – the fabulous (real) life of a fashion blogger.

similar Shirt (on sale) // similar Skirt (on sale) // Bracelet // similar Bag // Lipstick “Orange de Chine”