La Mode

amour vert, cropped pants with ankle boots, teddy coat

When: last week // Weather: 40s // Real life: work

amour vert, cropped pants with ankle boots, teddy coat
amour vert, cropped pants with ankle boots, teddy coat
amour vert, cropped pants with ankle boots, teddy coat
amour vert, cropped pants with ankle boots, teddy coat
amour vert, cropped pants with ankle boots, teddy coat
amour vert, cropped pants with ankle boots, teddy coat

Pro tip: the key to being fashionable is dressing so that one small section of your body is very cold. But it can’t be something obvious like your hands or face. No, it must be a random 3-inch section of your mid calf. Voila. FASHUN.

And speaking of French, this impossibly soft, fancy sweatshirt is from the sustainable brand Amour Vert. The name is en français, but it’s a U.S. company, so overseas shipping costs (yay). This is the only thing I’ve bought from Amour Vert, but so far I’m impressed. And as you know, I have very high standards when it comes to fashun.

Sweatshirt (sustainable brand) // similar Pants // similar Boots // similar Coat (secondhand) // Sunglasses // similar Bag

Minus 9

Everlane jumpsuit, beaded clutch, YSL heart sunglasses

When: August 13 // Weather: 80s and cloudy (but I wear sunglasses b/c I’m cool) // Real life: birthday dinner

Everlane jumpsuit, beaded clutch, YSL heart sunglasses

Everlane jumpsuit, beaded clutch, YSL heart sunglasses

Everlane jumpsuit, beaded clutch, YSL heart sunglasses

Everlane jumpsuit, beaded clutch, YSL heart sunglasses

Everlane jumpsuit, beaded clutch, YSL heart sunglasses

I had a birthday last month, so I’ve now had enough time to get used to the new age I lie about being. I like to go with a 9-year deficit. Subtracting 10 is much easier, sure, but when I turned 30 I didn’t want to be too young for a cocktail because who deserves cocktails more than the 30-somethings of the world? We spent our best years surviving a recession, and now we have lame things like jobs and mortgages and kids, and when we go to the doctor, we hear things like “this is a common complaint at your age.” Meanwhile, we’re still young enough to worry about whether we might outlast the ozone layer.

So when I turned “25” a few weeks ago, you better believe I put on my finest adult onesie and ordered a cocktail called The Elder Witch. Happy birthday to me!

Jumpsuit // Shoes (on sale) // Sunglasses // Necklace // similar Bracelet // similar Clutch