When: Saturday // Weather: 60ish and sunny // Real life: seeing Dreamgirls
I wore this last weekend to see Dreamgirls at Footlite Musicals, a fabulous show that’s conducted by a very talented and beautiful person who also coincidentally shares a home and a wedding anniversary with me. My biased opinion is pretty similar to my unbiased opinion though – the show is SO good! If you’re a Broadway fan and you live in the Indy area, I highly recommend seeing one of the shows this weekend or next (tickets here). OK, shameless spousal promotion endssss…now.
Outfit-wise, I decided to not even try to compete with the glamour of the girls on stage and just went with something that felt like me. Oh, but I did throw on some gold eyeshadow.
similar Dress (on sale) // similar Sweater // similar Bag // similar Shoes // similar Necklace