Barristers’ Ball

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Saturday night was Barristers’ Ball, a.k.a. Law School Prom. It’s just like high school, but with all honor roll students and more drunk people (In theory, there should be NO drunk people at a high school prom, but I’m pretty sure that’s not the case). I’m happy to say I was not one of the drunk people this weekend, although I did enjoy a couple of Blue Barristers, the signature drink of the night. They were tasty and made me really good at dancing to Ke$ha.

In true prom fashion, I got a new sparkly dress and gave myself some curly tendrils. Also in true prom fashion, I spent plenty of time looking at everyone else’s dresses and judging them. I must say, overall I was quite impressed! There were several other sparkly numbers, lots of fun colors, and statement shoes. Honestly, it was a better showing than what I saw on some recent red carpets. Well done, IU McKinney School of Law. We are a classy bunch of future attorneys.

Here are some more photos from the event:
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I had a pretty cute date, don’t you think?

Dress (on sale) // similar Shoes (on sale) // similar Clutch // Bracelet // Earrings (on sale) // similar Brooch // Nails

Outfit photos taken in front of the Indiana Statehouse.

Event photos taken at the Indiana Roof Ballroom.

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Inner Child

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Can you spot the repeat item today? It’s the tights. Yeah, I know. Kind of a cop-out. But there wasn’t anything else I felt like repeating, and it’s my remix, so I can do whatever I want. Deal with it.

Speaking of the Take One, Pass it On remix challenge, I accidentally left out one blogger who joined the challenge last week. I’m giving Jaime of South on Broadway a special shout-out now in the hopes that she won’t make a voodoo doll out of me. So go visit her (very cute) blog and see what she’s been remixing!

OK, back to me. If you remember the old tagline that used to be under my old header, it said this blog was supposed to feature “real things I wear and do.” Recently I’ve been heavy on the wearing and light on the doing. That’s because I’ve spent most of the past couple months going to school and work, so there’s not much special to share there.

BUT! Over the weekend, I took this cute little outfit to the Children’s Museum of Indianapolis for a special adults-only night. The Children’s Museum is so cool, but unfortunately it tends to be full of children most of the time. Buzzkill, right? Well, thanks to Adult Swim, I got to drink adult beverages while simultaneously acting like someone who’s not allowed to have adult beverages. Here are a few pictures from the event:


Shameless self-promotion

There I am on the Twitter feed, posting my Vine video! (P.S. If you’re part of the Vine crowd, follow me! My username is SarahsRealLife.)

Me and Kristin on the carousel, margaritas in hand // Hula hooping (I’m pretty awesome at it) // A shot of the lobby full of giddy grownups

Thanks to the Sapphire Theatre Company and the Children’s Museum for a great party!

Sweater (on sale!) // Skirt // Shoes (on sale!) // similar Necklace // Sunglasses