I Take Pictures of Stuff


Did you know that you can follow your favorite blogger on Instagram?! You can!

And while you’re at it, you can also follow me.

If you’ve been reading Sarah’s Real Life for awhile, you might remember I used to do a post every week or two called “My Week in Over-Processed Photos” where I shared my Instagrams. Then I took a reader poll and found out that while a lot of people liked that series, the majority of readers could take it or leave it. So I stopped.

For those who miss seeing my quirky snapshots (or who never saw them in the first place), consider this your official invitation to follow me on Instagram (@sarahsreallife)! And I don’t mean to brag, but I’m a damn good Instagrammer. I’m not one of those people who will post a blurry, dark, drunk picture of me and five friends. Mostly because I don’t have five friends, but also because I’m a super classy iPhonographer.

Here are some examples of my work for your review:







Follow @sarahsreallife on Instagram

Blooper Reel


After my 2012 year-end “outtakes” post was a big hit, I decided I should do them more often in 2013. Well, I’m officially on spring break and I’m ready to let loose and show you a few snippets of silliness from some recent outfit photo shoots.

These are just a few of many ridiculous photos I have stored up to share with you in the future. I’m talking ridiculous hair, ridiculous faces, and ridiculous poses. Sometimes all at once. I’m multi-talented.

I’m really good at rolling my eyes dramatically:


But I’m not so good at figuring out a long purse strap:


No worries. I’ll just kick up my heels. Literally:


I’ve started posting bloopers on my Facebook Page to get some input on funny captions for future outtakes posts. So if you’ll “like” my page, you will (1) make me feel loved, and (2) get to make fun of me to my face. It’s win-win.

Have a good weekend!