Wanted: Uniform

wallpaper floral, american eagle jeggings, blush crossbody bag, rose gold watch, mint nails, gold sandals wallpaper floral, american eagle jeggings, blush crossbody bag, rose gold watch, mint nails, gold sandals wallpaper floral, american eagle jeggings, blush crossbody bag, rose gold watch, mint nails, gold sandals wallpaper floral, american eagle jeggings, blush crossbody bag, rose gold watch, mint nails, gold sandals wallpaper floral, american eagle jeggings, blush crossbody bag, rose gold watch, mint nails, gold sandals

Some people have a sort of “go to” formula or uniform for getting dressed. I should probably get one of those. Because I don’t dress well under pressure. On Sunday we got up early for “members only” hour at the zoo, and I was a dummy and hadn’t planned an outfit the night before. It took me like 11 tries to come up with this…yes, this groundbreaking jeans + shirt combo. Is it even worth showing to you? I don’t know, but it’s what I wore in real life, so here we are.

Shirt (on sale) // Jeans (on sale) // similar Bag // Shoes (on sale) // similar Sunglasses // Watch* // Nails* // Lips “Whimsical”

*Watch provided courtesy of Dainty Wrist Jewelry; manicure provided courtesy of The Beauty Bar at Geist.