Summer Sweater

white jeans, summer sweater, statement necklace, j crew seersucker cap, blush white jeans, summer sweater, statement necklace, j crew seersucker cap, blush white jeans, summer sweater, statement necklace, j crew seersucker cap, blush white jeans, summer sweater, statement necklace, j crew seersucker cap, blush white jeans, summer sweater, statement necklace, j crew seersucker cap, blush white jeans, summer sweater, statement necklace, j crew seersucker cap, blush

Back in North Carolina (where I grew up), it would hit the upper 80s and 100% humidity sometime in May and it pretty much didn’t get better than that until September. One thing I like about Indiana is that just when you think summer is here to stay, you get a few days of spring again. This is good news for people like me who enjoy a cute – though oxymoronic – “summer sweater.” It’s also good news for anyone close enough to smell me while I’m wearing a sweater and long pants in July.

similar Sweater // Jeans (on sale) // similar Necklace* // Shoes // similar Bag // Hat (on sale) // similar Sunglasses

*Necklace purchased with gift card provided courtesy of H&M.

8 thoughts on “Summer Sweater”

  1. This North Carolinian was just wondering how you could stand to wear a sweater in the summer! But now it all makes sense. And it looks great! The soft, light colors make it feel really summery, too. Almost make me wish I could wear a summer sweater right now 🙂

    NCsquared Life

  2. summer sweaters are my new favorite. partially because I think it’s cute to wear a light weight sweater with shorts and cute sandals, but also because it means it’s not a million degrees outside!

    also, I wish I could wear hats 🙁

  3. I love a good summer sweater on a cooler day. This will transition well to fall too!


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