
layered button up shirts, flannel and chambray, blue beanie, glasses, over the knee boots, j crew pearl necklace, law school style

layered button up shirts, flannel and chambray, blue beanie, glasses, over the knee boots, j crew pearl necklace, law school style

layered button up shirts, flannel and chambray, blue beanie, glasses, over the knee boots, j crew pearl necklace, law school style

layered button up shirts, flannel and chambray, blue beanie, glasses, over the knee boots, j crew pearl necklace, law school style

layered button up shirts, flannel and chambray, blue beanie, glasses, over the knee boots, j crew pearl necklace, law school style

layered button up shirts, flannel and chambray, blue beanie, glasses, over the knee boots, j crew pearl necklace, law school style

Chambray and flannel layered? I can pretend I’m just super cool and trendy, but it’s partly out of necessity: it’s still really freaking cold here. Hence the gloves – I swear I’m not about to commit a murder (I’ll leave that to my cat).

I just realized I don’t think I’ve ever shared my glasses story on the blog. Sit back; you’re in for a treat.

The first 25 years of my life, I had super-human, better-than-20-20 vision. Then toward the end of my first semester of law school, I started noticing that the longer I spent staring at a book or a computer, the harder it was to focus. Sometimes I would get bad headaches or have to squint to see things that used to be clear.

So after finals I went to the optometrist and got the horrible news: My vision had taken a nose dive…all the way down to 20/20. And – get this – I have a slight astigmatism. Heartbreaking story, right? Luckily, the eye doctor didn’t make fun of me. She actually said she could give me an itty bitty prescription for eyeglasses to sharpen things up to the way I was used to.

Secretly, I had always kind of wanted a reason to pick out glasses frames – they were the one thing missing from my accessories collection! Before you laugh at me for rocking my practically fake spectacles, they really do make a difference. I got a headache after every exam my first semester, but second semester (and third, fourth, and fifth) I wore my glasses and didn’t get any. I don’t wear them all time, but they’re great for long days at school. OK, fine…they’re also great for looking cute and smart.

Some fine print (put on your glasses to read it): sponsored this post! If you shop for sunglasses or eyeglasses online, check out their site and use the following discount codes if you buy: “FS15” for 15% off and free shipping on any order over $50. “Blog10” for 10% off prescription glasses.

similar Shirt // Jeans // Boots (on sale) // similar Hat // similar Necklace // Glasses // Link Bracelet (on sale) // Lips “Romantic”

6 thoughts on “Visionary”

  1. Hey, I’m not laughing. The same thing happened to me. But for some strange reason (or maybe a better optometrist!) my eyesight went back to normal. Not sure if that us actually possibble, all I know is my small town optometrist said I needed glasses. Then years later my big city one told me I didn’t.

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