Gingham Style

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I’ve gotta keep the blurb today pretty short…I’m writing this at the end of a long day and my eyes don’t want to stay open. They actually haven’t wanted to stay open since about three hours after I woke up. Coffee? Why yes, I tried that. Diet Coke? Yep, twice. Sleeping? That sounds like the best cure.

Before I start nodding off, I’ll point out my remix item of the day: these jeans! Since I’m not a jeans-everyday person, and this is my only pair of distressed denim, I decided they were unique enough for me to repeat. Fun fact: I wore tights under these jeans today and yesterday. Exposed skin and sub-zero wind chills don’t mix.

Shirt // similar Sweater // Necklace // similar Jeans // Boots // similar Watch

19 thoughts on “Gingham Style”

  1. obsessed with this look! everything about it is fantastic; it has to be one of our all time favorites!

    we’ve loved following your “pass it on” challenge too! what a fun idea.
    and can we say we’re still digging the new hair. it suits you SO WELL!

    xo. c & v
    cake & valley

  2. I am not above putting long johns under my jeans on the really cold days. I also put pants over my tights on my commute to/from work if it’s really cold. The gingham shirt is adorable – I really like it! Winter needs to end!

  3. My husband has what he calls his “lab jeans” for when he’s working in the chemistry lab. They are distressed from all the chemical spills 🙂 He wears long underwear under them for the same reason you wear tights. Too cold to have the wind whipping through the holes!

  4. You look so cute here! I am living for your mix of leopard & gingham (and the awesome post name – so clever!!). Really, really cute outfit.

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