I felt kind of silly standing in the freezing cold, all bundled up, with this ocean scene behind me. Whales, you are lucky your ocean isn’t in Indiana, because you wouldn’t be swimming so freely. I recommend sticking to the West Coast.
I didn’t really plan on wearing a sweater, hat, and gloves with bling on them, but it happened and I’m not too mad about it. They let us have a jeans day on Friday, mainly because the heat in our giant, 100-year-old building has been riding the struggle bus in these extreme temperatures. So we needed a little more wiggle room in the dress code for everyone to be even close to comfortable. I didn’t wear my hat all day in the office, but I did wear my gloves inside for several hours. I tried putting my hands under my legs and operating my computer by telekinesis, but I’m not Carrie…Gloves on a keyboard were awkward, but still more effective.
The rest of me stayed pretty cozy in this layered flannel and striped top, both of which have been staples for fall and winter. Scroll down below to see how else I’ve worn them!
similar Flannel Shirt // Striped Top* (on sale) // similar Hat (only $10!) // Gloves (on sale in cream) // Bag – tote version // Lips “Romantic”
Plaid & Stripes: It’s the Real Life Remix…
*Purchased with gift card provided courtesy of Shopbop.
Totally dig the combo of the two tops! Lovely look
xo | The Fashion Forecast
Pinned this look. Thanks Sarah!
“riding the struggle bus” – thanks for the new phrase. Another post of yours from ‘way back inspired me to wear a chambray shirt under an oversized sweater, collar popped and cuffs rolled. When complimented, I pointed them to your blog.
I like that you show the remix and wear things more than once….Just keeping it real again!!! Jodie
P.S. You needed fingerless gloves…
I LOVE this combo! Hope your office is warmer this week.
This look is killer. It’s so busy but wonderful. You’ve managed to mix stripes, window panes, plaid and embellishments …..all playing off each other nicely.
http://www.stylegonerogue.com (new post)
Busy but wonderful – I like that description!
lovely layering. perfect for chilly winter days in the midwest <3 xoxo linds
my style blog :: Ruby Girl