Today’s Accessory

20121106-103354.jpgThis little sticker is one of my favorite things to wear (and it’s free!), so in honor of Election Day I wanted to share it with you.

I know this isn’t a political blog, and that’s not going to change. A passion for fashion and style is something I’m happy to share with you whether you’re a republican, democrat, libertarian, independent, communist, socialist, or Rastafarian. In fact, to keep things neutral, I won’t even tell you who I voted for (but if you know me you probably have a good idea).

will however tell you that I think it’s important to vote if you’re a citizen of the US (or any other democratic country). I know some people make excuses like “1 vote doesn’t make a difference” or “it’s the Electoral College that picks the president anyway” or “I don’t have an opinion on XYZ issue.”

But remember, if every person who thought their 1 vote didn’t matter went out and voted anyway, they would make a difference. And yes, the Electoral College “officially” elects the president, but if the popular vote doesn’t matter, then why exactly are Barack and Mitt spending a blazillion dollars (approximately) on campaigning? Because they know what’s up. Some of the most powerful people in the country wear themselves out begging little ol’ me and you for their jobs. It makes me feel pretty powerful myself, actually! Even if you’re still not convinced you want to vote for the president, remember there are lots of other state and local races going on too! Finally, it doesn’t matter if you don’t have an opinion on every issue. I’ll be honest, I know the economy has problems, but I’ll be damned if I have any idea what to do about it. No clue. But there are other issues I do care very much about, so I do my best to make an informed choice based on what’s important to me. I hope you will too.

Happy Election Day!