Love at First Sight

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So the other day I went in to DSW looking for silver sandals (I need them to be a bridesmaid this summer, plus I have another formal event coming up). I didn’t find any I liked, but I did find these drop dead gorgeous amazing scalloped wedges. I know it wasn’t the responsible thing to do, but I got them, and I’m never looking back.

It just goes to show you might think you know what you’re looking for in the ideal shoe, but sometimes you find a shoe that’s a little unexpected yet perfect for you. Maybe the shoe’s a little out there with its kooky curved wedge, and maybe not everyone will understand. But if you and the shoe are happy together, that’s what counts. In time, hopefully the rest of the world will come to recognize that while they might not want to walk in your shoes, it won’t affect the relationship they have with their favorite shoes to let you wear your shoes. Everyone should be able to marry…ahem, I mean wear whatever shoes they want, don’t you think? For example, some people might wonder: Sarah, why did you choose those shoes? There are way more comfortable shoes out there. But then I might wonder: Why did you choose those Crocs when every single other shoe in the world is more attractive? Maybe neither choice makes sense, but that’s because neither one is a choice. Nobody really chooses to be uncomfortable or to look unfashionable; it’s just what happens when you wear the shoes you truly love.

This may or may not be a metaphor or pretext for another social issue. But I also just really love these shoes. The end.

Check back later today for the second weekly round-up of my Take One, Pass it On remix challenge, including new blogger links.

Shirt: Prabal Gurung for Target

Jacket: La Redoute (similar)

Skirt: Ann Taylor

Shoes: Violet & Red

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Snow Shoes…Sort of.

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As much I love suede, calf hair, and leather (real or faux) on my feet, it’s always good to have some shoes made of cheap man-made materials. If I’ve learned one thing living in Indiana for 9 years, it’s to expect the unexpected, especially in the winter. After my recent snow boot fail, I had decided to forget about trying to follow the weather forecast. I saw some snowflakes out the window, so I went for these all-weather heels in the hopes that not too much more would fall. I survived. Maybe “snow pumps” will become the new thing.

(Or maybe not. The future lawyer in me sees a lot of liability issues with marketing stilettos for icy conditions. Let’s scratch that idea. Snow strut at your own risk.)

Dress: Target (similar here and here)

Cardigan: (similar)

Necklace: Target (bought recently but can’t find it online)

Shoes: Macy’s Style & Co. (similar)

Belt: came with another dress (similar)

Tights: Frenchi (If you’re in the market for some new black opaque tights, I recommend these! They’re really sturdy feeling and the waist band is super comfy. Pretty warm too.)

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