When: Sept. 17 // Weather: 70s // Real life: working from home

Jacket (sustainable brand) // Jeans (sustainable brand) // Shoes (mine are secondhand, which I recommend because $$$$)
Confession: I am trying to catch your attention with my recently acquired secondhand Chanel flats (!!) but I have lured you here under false pretenses. What I really want to say/ask is:
Here in Indiana, everyone was able to vote by mail for the primaries, but for November’s election, you have to have a special reason to vote by mail. But you can (as always) vote early at various locations. So today I looked up those locations and times, and Kristin and I picked a time to go together next week. I even sent her a calendar invite so we don’t forget!
Please please please if you haven’t already, figure out the options where you live and make a plan to vote early. Even if you live in a place where the presidential race is a foregone conclusion, there are probably state/local races where your vote will make more of a difference. Plus, like I always say, if you don’t vote, you don’t get to complain.