Pom Squad

pom pom sweatshirt, gingham shorts, leather slides

When: last Friday // Weather: warm and humid // Real life: day off with my family! brunch and walking on the canal

pom pom sweatshirt, gingham shorts, leather slides

pom pom sweatshirt, gingham shorts, leather slides

pom pom sweatshirt, gingham shorts, leather slides

pom pom sweatshirt, gingham shorts, leather slides

I know everyone was worried that I didn’t yet have a sweatshirt with pom pom trim. Random French words, 3D flowers, embroidery…yes. But pom-pom trim…no. Worry no more, my friends. I’m all set.

And what better occasion to wear a festive yet casual top than a Friday off work spent with my lovely parental units? We started out the 3-day weekend strong with a fantastic brunch at Milktooth (I had the carrot cake waffle and some kind of magical espresso drink with cardamom), then took a nice walk along the canal. After that intense leisure time, we all needed an afternoon nap before going out for dinner and show.

I’ll look back fondly on this time last week as I slave away this weekend to make up for those lost hours! Happy Friday to all.

Sweatshirt // similar Shorts // similar Shoes (on sale) // similar Bag



Short-spiracy Theories

embroidered Victoria Beckham for Target sweatshirt, distressed jean shorts, Kate Spade Keds sneakers

When: last Sunday // Weather: warm and windy // Real life: brunch and errands

embroidered Victoria Beckham for Target sweatshirt, distressed jean shorts, Kate Spade Keds sneakers

embroidered Victoria Beckham for Target sweatshirt, distressed jean shorts, Kate Spade Keds sneakers

embroidered Victoria Beckham for Target sweatshirt, distressed jean shorts, Kate Spade Keds sneakers

embroidered Victoria Beckham for Target sweatshirt, distressed jean shorts, Kate Spade Keds sneakers

embroidered Victoria Beckham for Target sweatshirt, distressed jean shorts, Kate Spade Keds sneakers

Can we talk about the conspiracy that is jean shorts? Everyone acts like they’re a cool, laid-back, casual summer staple. HOWEVER. #1, they’re even harder to shop for than regular jeans. And #2, if you find a flattering pair, they’re horribly uncomfortable to sit in. After a few minutes in the car, I feel like I might be cheating on my spouse. (If you’re reading this honey, I obviously wouldn’t do that. Jake Gyllenhaal doesn’t even live around here.) I hadn’t worn my jorts for 7 months, so I forgot they’re better for days when you’re mostly standing or walking in hot weather. Hashtag Midwest problems.

Pretty cute though, right?

Sweatshirt (sold out online, but check stores or eBay) // similar Shorts // similar Shoes // similar Bag // Sunglasses