It’s Always Chilly in Indianapolis

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I have a cold (I guess it’s better than the flu…or AIDS), and it’s been so bitter cold outside the past couple days that my face practically freezes immediately so I can’t even feel the snot running down my face. My sex appeal is through the roof this week.

Luckily I’ve found a couple pieces of clothing that are incredibly warm and make me feel like I’m wearing pajamas but without looking like I’m wearing pajamas. These leggings have fleece on the inside, you guys. They’re amazing. And they were only $8. They’re “one size fits most” which usually kind of scares me because I’m on the small side. These fit me just fine though, and they’re very stretchy. I should mention thought that they just barely reach my ankles and I’m only 5’3″…so if you’re tall they might be cropped. And for the record, I’m not getting any commission on these leggings…it is out of the kindness of my heart that I want your legs to be as happy as mine.

Sweater: Urban Outfitters

Leggings: Pitaya

Boots: Sole Society

Necklace: Target

Sweata and Leatha Weatha

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Remember that time I wore leather pants to go to Noodles & Co. on a Monday? I do. And I stand by my decision. I’m pretty excited about these (faux) leather leggings because I think they’re actually going to be pretty versatile. Not office appropriate, obviously, but noodle-eating appropriate? I’m voting yes. Then again, pretty much anything is appropriate for eating noodles because noodles are just awesome no matter what you’re wearing.

Leather pants have a way of making you want to go over-the-top biker babe, so I talked myself down and settled on a baggy sweater and demure shoes because, after all, I only ride my Harley on the weekends.

Sweater: Nordstrom, old (similar)

Leggings: Arden B.

Necklace: old (similar)

Shoes: Sole Society (sign up here if you’re new!)

Lips: Clinique “A Different Grape”