Wardrobe Workhorse: Non-traditional Suit

bright suit, women's suits, non-traditional women's suit, target suit, break up a suit

Happy Friday, everyone! Last winter I spotted this matching moto jacket/mini skirt combo on clearance at Target and decided to snatch it up (I also got it in green tweed, but who’s counting). As suits go, this one obviously isn’t traditional or conservative, but I  had a feeling I could still make good use of it. As is usually the case, I was right.

This wardrobe workhorse has gone business casual, regular casual, winter, spring, summer, and fall. I think my least favorite look above is actually when I wore the 2 pieces together. But maybe I should give the suit look another chance soon!

I scoped out a few non-traditional suits for your shopping pleasure – some fun colors, textures, patterns, and yes…even one “shorts suit.” It’s really hard to find matching separates like this online because they’re usually not marked as “suits” so you have to look up tops and bottoms separately. If you’re really in the market for a non-traditional suit, I recommend dragging yourself to the mall to look in person!

Non-traditional suits

1. Top, Bottom // 2. Top, Bottom // 3. Top, Bottom // 4. Top, Bottom // 5. Top, Bottom

Here’s My CV, So Hire Me Maybe?






20120823-183218.jpgI had an interview yesterday for summer job. Yes, that’s right…for next summer. Mark my words: law school is a crazy place, but I love it. It’s an unwritten rule that for a job interview in the legal world, you wear a suit. Period, end of story. And beyond that, I’ve even read advice that to be extra safe, you should wear a black suit, black shoes, and a button-up shirt (and if you’re a guy, a tie of course). I don’t think I need to tell you that I scoffed at this advice. While I agree that a job interview is not the place to make a daring fashion statement, it is place to present your best self and to show your personality. There’s no way I can feel like myself, much less my best self, in an uber-conservative outfit.

I felt totally confident in what I wore to the interview, and if I don’t get the job it’s because the position is very competitive and there are lots of other highly qualified students vying for it. If I got passed up just because I wore red shoes, well…then it’s not the right place for me to work anyway!

Suit is from Ann Taylor

If you want to find out if and when I get the job, be sure to follow me on Bloglovin’ or Twitter!