Chamber of Secrets

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As I mentioned yesterday, I used both of my Black Out “passes” in the same outfit last week – and here’s that outfit. It was the first day of my new internship with a judge, so I wanted to dress more on the conservative side (or my version of it, anyway), plus it was frigid, so black tights and boots were pretty much a must. I’m so excited to have this great opportunity for my last semester of school, and I can tell already it’s going to be a fun and enlightening experience. The only problem is I can’t tell you much about it – I’m sworn to secrecy! But that’s OK…it just enhances my mystique. Because people who put pictures of themselves on the Internet everyday are SO mysterious.

Have a great week, everyone. If you’re crazy enough to challenge yourself to wear [almost] no black with me, be sure to share your photos with the hashtag #BlackOutStyle!

Jacket (on sale) // Skirt (on sale) // similar Boots // similar Shirt // Lips (mine is a custom color from Bite Lip Lab, but try Cin Cin)

Here’s My CV, So Hire Me Maybe?






20120823-183218.jpgI had an interview yesterday for summer job. Yes, that’s right…for next summer. Mark my words: law school is a crazy place, but I love it. It’s an unwritten rule that for a job interview in the legal world, you wear a suit. Period, end of story. And beyond that, I’ve even read advice that to be extra safe, you should wear a black suit, black shoes, and a button-up shirt (and if you’re a guy, a tie of course). I don’t think I need to tell you that I scoffed at this advice. While I agree that a job interview is not the place to make a daring fashion statement, it is place to present your best self and to show your personality. There’s no way I can feel like myself, much less my best self, in an uber-conservative outfit.

I felt totally confident in what I wore to the interview, and if I don’t get the job it’s because the position is very competitive and there are lots of other highly qualified students vying for it. If I got passed up just because I wore red shoes, well…then it’s not the right place for me to work anyway!

Suit is from Ann Taylor

If you want to find out if and when I get the job, be sure to follow me on Bloglovin’ or Twitter!