Black Hat

Mossimo high rise jeggings, long cardigan, wide stripe tank, black Panama hat, studded flats

When: last Saturday // Weather: warm // Real life: friend’s birthday party

Mossimo high rise jeggings, long cardigan, wide stripe tank, black Panama hat, studded flats

Mossimo high rise jeggings, long cardigan, wide stripe tank, black Panama hat, studded flats

Mossimo high rise jeggings, long cardigan, wide stripe tank, black Panama hat, studded flats^^Not to toot my own cheekbones, but that’s some decent contouring there! I used a L’Oreal blush/highlighter set, and you can read more about how I did it here.

Mossimo high rise jeggings, long cardigan, wide stripe tank, black Panama hat, studded flats

Mossimo high rise jeggings, long cardigan, wide stripe tank, black Panama hat, studded flats

Mossimo high rise jeggings, long cardigan, wide stripe tank, black Panama hat, studded flats

Back in Hoosier land, this was a perfectly appropriate mid-September outfit. But as I sit here in my oceanfront beach house for the week (go ahead, be jealous), I feel like I look oddly overdressed in these photos.

Over the next few days on the blog, you can expect to see a mix of me looking very clean and put together (outfits I wore back home, pre-vacation) and me looking sweaty and sunburned but happy (outfits I’m wearing at the beach). If you want more vacation details, you can follow me on Instagram!

Am I excited for fall? Totally. But will I take full advantage of this last morsel of summer? You bet your watermelon cocktail I will.

Jeans (only $30!) // Top (on sale) // similar Cardigan // similar Hat // similar Shoes // Bracelet // similar Bag




h&m gray leather jacket, peter pilotto target dress, valentino inspired flats h&m gray leather jacket, peter pilotto target dress, valentino inspired flats h&m gray leather jacket, peter pilotto target dress, valentino inspired flats h&m gray leather jacket, peter pilotto target dress, valentino inspired flats h&m gray leather jacket, peter pilotto target dress, valentino inspired flats h&m gray leather jacket, peter pilotto target dress, valentino inspired flats

You guys, I felt super sassy in this outfit. I mean I’m always sassy on the inside, but I don’t always show it to the fullest on the outside. It was something about the mix of ultra girly things (floral dress and high ponytail) and ultra badass things (leather jacket and studded shoes). I’ve never been good at putting a label on my style, but when I think about it, the outfits that feel most “me” are ones that mix girliness and badassery. Who’s surprised by that? No one.

Dress (on clearance) // Jacket* // similar Shoes // Sunglasses (on sale) // similar Rings* // Lips

*Jacket and rings purchased with gift card provided courtesy of H&M.