Small Talk

girly oxfords, spring outfit, oxfords with skirt outfit

When: February // Weather: 70 (what?!) // Real life: work

girly oxfords, spring outfit, oxfords with skirt outfit

girly oxfords, spring outfit, oxfords with skirt outfit

girly oxfords, spring outfit, oxfords with skirt outfit

girly oxfords, spring outfit, oxfords with skirt outfit

How ’bout this weather we’re having? No but seriously…how? We had this random 70-degree day in February, which is when these photos were taken. Don’t get me wrong, it was great, but it was also confusing and alarming. Like, is the apocalypse coming? Is this the end? I’m generally a glass-half-full kind of person, except the glass is full of poo.

Anyway, it seemed silly (and depressing) to post a bare-legs outfit in the dead of winter, so I decided to save it for March. But March was frigid and snowy, so it still didn’t make sense.

And here we are in April, which of course started with more snow, followed by a thunderstorm, but at least we made it to 60 today. Good enough for me – here’s some bare skin.

If you enjoy making small talk with much older work acquaintances, you probably enjoyed this post in which I talked about weather for 10 minutes. You’re welcome.

similar Sweater // similar Skirt // Shoes (on sale in other colors) // Watch // similar Bag