Utility Jacket + Pencil Skirt

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Not to sound too self-satisfied, but I really like every outfit I wear. If I didn’t like it, I wouldn’t wear it. But there are some outfits I really love. (It’s kinda like: I like my Sketchers, but I love my Prada backpack – name that movie!)

This outfit was one I loved! I just got this utility jacket after looking high and low (but mostly low because I’m short and cheap) for the perfect one. This baby’s just the right shape and weight to wear all day, so rather than wait for the weekend to wear it with jeans, I wore it to work yesterday mixed with this floral pencil skirt. It was right up my alley because there’s nothing I love more than an unexpected mix! Except maybe a kitten washing its face. I mean you can’t beat that.

Jacket // Skirt (on sale) // similar Shoes // vintage Coach bag via eBay // Lipstick “Romantic”