How to Save a Shirt





20120831-172420.jpgJust a simple and comfy outfit for a relatively quick trip to school! In case you didn’t notice, those are polka dot feathers on my shoes. Awesome, I know. But there’s a story behind this shirt. After I tell it, you will either think I’m a genius, or you’ll think I’m a hot mess. I like to think I’m an ingenious hot mess.

So I bought this shirt last year on clearance at a Theory outlet. I got it for around $20, which was probably a million dollars off. I think the fact that I got it for cheap made me forget the entire back panel is real silk (which is why it’s so lovely and drape-y and soft). I’m allergic to being domestic, so when my clothes are wrinkly, I just use Downy Wrinkle Releaser. I very rarely use an iron. Too much work.

Maybe you can see where this is going. This silk shirt was wrinkly, and my dumbass self sprayed this Downy crap all over it. After it dried, the silk was covered in little discolored splotches. Oops.

Never one to give up on a cute item of clothing, I devised a plan. You can’t see stains…if the whole shirt is stained. I filled a bowl with water and a little bit of the evil wrinkle releaser and soaked the shirt in there for a few minutes. Then I rinsed it off and let it dry. The shirt was a uniform color!! One trip to the dry cleaner later (to freshen it up), and it’s good as new. Success.

Was it Some Kind of Holiday?






Isn’t it so tacky to dress according to a theme? I would never do something like that. Yesterday evening I went to a movie (Moonrise Kingdom), so I opted for a casual ensemble. I wore jeans – which just happened to be blue – and a super soft t-shirt – which just happened to be red- and white-striped. Any resemblance to a certain country’s flag is purely coincidental.

Shirt: Club Monaco / Jeans: Seven / Shoes: Ann Taylor / Necklace and earrings: Target / Headband: J. Crew / Bag: Marc by Marc Jacobs