Balancing Act

anorak and white jeans outfit

When: Friday // Weather: 60 falling to 40 (brr) // Real life: work then movie date

anorak and white jeans outfit

anorak and white jeans outfit

anorak and white jeans outfit

anorak and white jeans outfit

anorak and white jeans outfit

In case you’re worried that I wore a plunging neckline to the office, I promise there’s a nude-colored cami underneath. No cleavage was harmed (or revealed) in the making of this outfit.

I’m smiling in these photos because they were taken before I saw “The Zookeeper’s Wife.” Don’t get me wrong, it was a great movie, but not exactly a light-hearted one. In case you’re thinking “Is this a sequel to ‘We Bought a Zoo?'” NO. IT IS NOT. A few minutes in, you see a bunch of animals get killed by Nazis. In case you’re thinking “Were the Nazis really that bad?” YES. READ A BOOK.

Oof. My media intake is a very strange mix of fashion blogs and tragic films. I have to find the balance between being constantly superficial and constantly angry/depressed. So far, so good. Now please admire my cute anorak, then go read about Syria.

Top* // Jacket* // similar Jeans // similar Shoes // similar Bag // similar Ring

*Top and jacket provided courtesy of Tobi!





similar Dress (on sale) // Belt (on sale)

In case you haven’t been paying attention to my life (which is totally fine because your own life is way more important), I spent most of last week in NYC for a fashion law conference. Picking outfits was obviously very important, and I obviously needed another excuse to spend more time staring at my closet. Above and below are the outfits I picked because dresses make it easy to look chic AF, plus these 2 don’t wrinkle in a suitcase. Unfortunately it was pretty cold in New York, so I had to wear tights but I’m pretty optimistic these were my LAST tights outfits until next fall! [cue hallelujah chorus]

Dress (on sale) // Shoes

similar Sweater // similar Watch // similar Shoes

Back home in the Hoosier state, things are looking up. It’s getting into the 50s and 60s for about 10 minutes a day, and there’s a chance of rain, like, forever…so YAY it must be spring. I also think I saw a couple flowers that didn’t immediately fall over and die. Baby steps, people. Anyway, that means I’m still wearing sweaters, but I can get away with small sections of exposed skin without being too cold.

Sweater // similar Bracelet

similar Dress // similar Bag // similar Cardigan

Meanwhile, what I really want to wear is this new dress
