
embroidered stripe tee, Target jeans, white Converse sneakers, red lips

When: Saturday before last // Weather: 60s // Real life: haircut, brunch, and I don’t remember what else

embroidered stripe tee, Target jeans, white Converse sneakers, red lips

embroidered stripe tee, Target jeans, white Converse sneakers, red lips

embroidered stripe tee, Target jeans, white Converse sneakers, red lips

embroidered stripe tee, Target jeans, white Converse sneakers, red lips

embroidered stripe tee, Target jeans, white Converse sneakers, red lips

embroidered stripe tee, Target jeans, white Converse sneakers, red lips


I know I took these photos the day I got my haircut (because why else would my hair look so good). And I’m pretty sure I got brunch afterward. But for the life of me I can’t remember what else I did on February 18, and for once I didn’t post anything on Instagram. I hope I had fun?

I do remember what I did on February 26, though. I had a small get-together to watch the Oscars, and I served themed cocktails. One the menu: the “Lion,” a gin mule so strong you won’t be able to find your way home, and the “La La Land”… It was just a middle-shelf champagne cocktail, but we told everyone it was the greatest drink ever.

I don’t mean to be too harsh on La La Land (the movie, not the drink) – I thought it was great, just not that great. Not worth 14 Oscar nominations, that’s for sure. I had already watched the Golden Globes, and I made it all the way to midnight watching the Oscars, so when Faye Dunaway announced La La Land…I turned off the TV.

I KNOW. But it was late and I’d already seen a dozen La La Land acceptance speeches. I’m still so mad I missed seeing the cluster live. This was my first real experience with FOMO. Needless to say, I will still remember Sunday night 10 days from now.

Top (on sale) // Jeans // Shoes* // similar Bag (on sale) // similar Trench // similar Necklace // similar Sunglasses

*Shoes purchased with gift card provided courtesy of Shopbop.



Fan Club


When: Sunday before last // Weather: 60s and windy // Real life: art museum visit







One day the other weekend I decided to ignore all other responsibilities and just have a Sunday Funday. We took an impromptu trip to the Indianapolis Museum of Art to see the orchid exhibit because orchids just happen to be my favorite flower. I like how they’re not symmetrical all the way around, which makes you think: what are all those other boring flowers doing wrong? And it’s almost intimidating how beautiful they are. Basically, orchids are my role model.

The excursion got even better when someone recognized me from the dance performance I was in a few months ago and he wanted to tell me I did a great job. I pretty much felt like a celebrity, just gallivanting around in my suede jacket looking at fancy flowers and getting approached by fans. I think I’ll ignore my responsibilities more often.

Jacket (on sale) // similar Pants (on sale) // Bag // Shoes (on sale) // similar Necklace (on sale)