What Season is It Again?





I swear it was fall a couple days ago, and now it’s 90 degrees. WHERE AM I? Oh, that’s right, I’m in Indiana. Where Mother Nature looks at the calendar and says, “Fuck you, seasons. I’ll do what I want.” (The Midwestern Mother Nature has constant PMS. She’s quite cranky.)

My solution was to be just as big a rule breaker as Miss Weather and combine two entirely different color schemes for two different seasons into one outfit. So there. Black/bronze/leopard for fall and mint/yellow for summer. And that’s how this outfit was born. OR maybe I very strategically planned this outfit so as to seamlessly transition from summer to fall. Nope. It’s the random one.

And by the way, I put my hands on my head all the time when I’m standing outside watching birds. It’s totally natural.

Over-Thinking It






20120719-184757.jpgI bought this skirt because I liked how the fabric said “I’m casual” but the structure said “I’m a lil fancy.” The problem? Is the skirt too casual for work (it’s not jeans but it is denim)? and is it too fancy for the weekend? I’ve mostly worn it for those in-between occasions like day-time parties, but on Thursday I wore it to work. Here’s how I rationalized it: the button-up shirt is so quintessentially “workwear” and the pearls and low bun tend to read conservative, so that all cancels out any suspicion someone might have that I just thought it was Friday (although that’s something I would do). The best part? My coworker wore actual jeans this same day. Man, I really over-think things sometimes.

Remember the last time I wore this skirt? It was another workday look.

Belt available at J. Crew