Wardrobe Workhorse: Leopard Loafers


I had a request a while back for a post on the top 5 (or 10 or whatever) things every woman should have in her closet. I never did it because I felt like those lists have been done over and over and most of them are the same (classic trench! black pumps! earth shattering ideas!).

But the other day when I wore the Cole Haan leopard loafers I bought last summer, I started thinking about how glad I was I got them because I’ve worn them so many times over the past year.

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Most “must have” lists probably don’t include leopard loafers, but they’ve nonetheless been a staple for me! Basics are great and all, but I for one think it’s those unique, unexpected pieces that will make you stand out and look awesome every time you wear them.

So I’m officially starting the Sarah’s Wardrobe Workhorse series, and leopard loafers are first on the list! If you have an inkling to add some to your closet, I have some great options for you below.

Leopard Loafers

Shop here:  1. Sam Edelman // 2. Steve Madden // 3. Marais USA //

4. Minnetonka // 5. Truth or Dare by Madonna

Colorful stripes…with Leopard!

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I love print mixing (as you know), but I think stripes and leopard might be my favorite combo. I would explain to you why, but you have eyes and I don’t want to insult your intelligence. I think the awesomeness is clear from the photos above.

similar Shirt // another similar Shirt // similar Skirt // similar Shoes // Bracelet // similar Scarf // Sunglasses