So Me

faux leather joggers, oversized blazer

When: November 6, 2020 // Weather: 60s // Real life: working from home in the tee & pants, then going out to dinner after adding the jacket & shoes

faux leather joggers, oversized blazer
faux leather joggers, oversized blazer
faux leather joggers, oversized blazer
faux leather joggers, oversized blazer
faux leather joggers, oversized blazer

I’ve been following along with a style challenge this month organized by Dressing Dawn. Why bother? Hell, I don’t know. Because there’s a pandemic and my entertainment options are limited. I spent spring and summer naming all the bunnies in my neighborhood, but now Daisy and Peanut are hibernating and I need something else to do.

One of the challenge prompts was “this is so me.” So I put on some stripes, some (faux) leather, a bright color, and feminine shoes. And it was so so me that I decided to take photos on a real camera and preserve them here for posterity.

If you were going to put on an outfit that was “so you,” what would it include? Try it out tomorrow and see if it improves your mood.

similar Pants (secondhand) // similar Shirt // similar Blazer // similar Shoes (secondhand) // similar Bag (secondhand)

So I Do Loungewear Now.

summersalt jogger set, loungewear

When: April 9 // Weather: temperature controlled // Real life: working from home

summersalt jogger set, loungewear
summersalt jogger set, loungewear

Did I ever think I would be the kind of person who owned (and actually wore) a matching loungewear set? No.

Did Lockdown 2020 make me order such a set? Yes.

Do I kind of want to order one in another color because I love it so much? Also yes.

If you want your own set of the freaking softest French terry adorable comfiness ever, you can get it from Summersalt (they use earth-friendly practices! yay!) – pullover here and joggers here.

How has quarantine/work-from-home life changed your dressing habits?