Beetlejuice, Beetlejuice, Beetlejuice

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Who would have thought putting horizontal stripes around your ass could be so slimming? No one with eyes, that’s for sure. This skirt is magical. I’m so glad I got it. I mean I’ve only had it 2 months and this is the fourth time I’ve worn it. This is shaping up to be an impressive cost-per-wear!

On another note, I normally don’t like to wear yellow and black together because I feel like it makes me look like a bumble bee. But this particular outfit felt more like Beetlejuice than bumble bee, so I thought it worked. Don’t know if you heard, but Beetlejuice-inspired fashion is totally in for spring. You’re welcome.

Skirt (on sale) // Sweater // Sunglasses (on sale) // Necklace // Boots (on clearance) // Bracelet