Adult Swim

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Fun fact: Indianapolis is home to the largest children’s museum in the world. The only bad thing about the museum is that there are always a bunch of children there. Go figure. But in 2013, Adult Swim Indy was born. On this one night of the year, they open the museum up to adults only. Tickets are pricey because it’s a fundraiser, but thanks to the generosity of a friend (whose dad is a sponsor of the event), I got to go last year and again this past weekend.

It is…so. much. fun. Picture 2500 drunk grownups hula hooping and riding a carousel. There are tasty food samples from local vendors (beer cheese soup has changed my life), a DJ, and a drum circle surrounded by dinosaur skeletons. You can see a few photos from the night on my Instagram feed.

As an added bonus, Adult Swim has become sort of fashion show too! I think people really take advantage of the chance to wear something different from what they would wear on a typical weekend. I don’t know if you knew this about me, but I quite enjoy an excuse to put together a fun outfit, and this is what I came up with! I figured as long as I’m going to be at a children’s museum, I might as well act like a child and insist on wearing all my favorite things at once: plaid, leather, ankle boots, fun jewelry, red lipstick, and an unexpected hat that clashes with everything else. I’m a big girl…I’ll do what I want.

similar Shirt // similar Skirt* // similar Boots* // similar Hat // similar Necklace // Bag // Lips “Orange de Chine”

And as long as I’m being childish, here are some funny faces:

j crew rock salt plaid flannel, h&m leather skirt, fringe ankle boots, target beanie, marc jacobs preppy bag, adult swim indianapolis

*Skirt and boots purchased with gift card provided courtesy of H&M.

How to Wear Ankle Boots (Part Deux)

how to wear flat ankle boots, how to wear ankle boots, how to wear wedge ankle boots, how to wear ankle boots with jeans, how to wear booties

It’s been almost a year since I originally wrote about how to wear ankle boots. Back then I only had like 4 pairs, and now I have…you know…more than 4 pairs. I’ve learned so much since that first post. Most of it is about law, granted, but some of it is about ankle boots. So it seems like a good time to build upon last year’s advice. Welcome to How to Wear Ankle Boots (Part Deux)!

So. People seem to be wary of ankle boots for a couple of reasons. First, they’re worried they’ll look shorter and/or fatter because of how these boots are cut. Second, they just don’t know what to wear with the boots. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: The key to wearing ankle boots is elongating your legs as much as you can while still showing off the shape of the shoe.

Here are a few ways to wear ankle boots, and what to keep in mind along the way…

how to wear flat ankle boots, how to wear ankle boots, how to wear wedge ankle boots, how to wear ankle boots with jeans, how to wear booties

I don’t know why cuffed jeans used to be a big fashion faux pas, but somewhere along the way things changed. Please. Do not be scared to roll ’em up. Roll or fold your jeans so the hem just barely hits the top of your boots. In case it isn’t obvious, this just applies to skinny/straight leg jeans. Don’t roll flared jeans – that’s crazy talk.

Keep in mind: This look should work well with wedge and heeled boots, but it can be a little trickier with flat boots. Ankle boots can easily make you look shorter, so if you’re already short (like me), just be really careful about proportions. And what about socks? That’s also a tricky issue. I think a peek of sock can be OK, but it can also ruin everything. You can play around with options, but if you want to err on the side of caution, I’d say stick with hidden socks.

how to wear flat ankle boots, how to wear ankle boots, how to wear wedge ankle boots, how to wear ankle boots with jeans, how to wear booties

For shorties like me – and probably for most average-height ladies too – even chunkier ankle boots can work with skirts and dresses as long as they’re above the knee. Showing more leg makes your legs look longer, but let’s keep it decent, shall we?

Keep in mind: This shorter-is-better rule applies mainly to more casual boots, meaning ones with wider openings and chunky heels. A dressier ankle boot (like I’m wearing in the last photo in this post) is likely to work well with any length skirt!

how to wear flat ankle boots, how to wear ankle boots, how to wear wedge ankle boots, how to wear ankle boots with jeans, how to wear booties

In case it hasn’t sunk in yet, making your legs look long and lean is pretty much my main piece of advice for pulling off these tricksy little shoes. Dark leggings are one of the most lengthening and leaning kinds of legwear I know of. In the photo on the left, I’m even wearing them with flat ankle boots.

Keep in mind: If I see you wearing leggings without a top long enough to cover your lady junk, I will yell at you in public, and it will be very embarrassing.

how to wear flat ankle boots, how to wear ankle boots, how to wear wedge ankle boots, how to wear ankle boots with jeans, how to wear booties

When it gets too cold out, you might not  want that sliver of exposed skin between your boots and the bottom of your rolled up jeans. That’s when tucking comes in handy. I sometimes put my socks over the bottom of my jeans so they don’t ride up too much.

Keep in mind: This only works with skinny jeans, otherwise it looks pretty tucking weird. Ha…get it?

how to wear flat ankle boots, how to wear ankle boots, how to wear wedge ankle boots, how to wear ankle boots with jeans, how to wear booties

Some ankle boots are basically just pumps with some extra coverage on the top of your feet. When the boots are nice and fitted to your feet with narrow openings and thin heels, you can wear them with just about anything you would normally wear pumps with.

Keep in mind: All those other rules are just some tips to get you started. Depending on how daring you are with your style, you could very well break some or all of them! But I saved this for last because otherwise you wouldn’t have read the rest of the post. And I worked hard on it.



Mastered the ankle boot? You’re ready for your next challenge…

How to Wear Over-the-Knee Boots
