Real Clothes

ann taylor white jeans, embellished chambray shirt, snakeskin pumps, silver satchel, fancy ponytail ann taylor white jeans, embellished chambray shirt, snakeskin pumps, silver satchel, fancy ponytail ann taylor white jeans, embellished chambray shirt, snakeskin pumps, silver satchel, fancy ponytail ann taylor white jeans, embellished chambray shirt, snakeskin pumps, silver satchel, fancy ponytail ann taylor white jeans, embellished chambray shirt, snakeskin pumps, silver satchel, fancy ponytail ann taylor white jeans, embellished chambray shirt, snakeskin pumps, silver satchel, fancy ponytail

Ever since I’ve been back from the beach, I’ve had a lot of trouble getting myself dressed. Like in real clothes, with shoes and accessories and everything. Oh, to be back at the beach, where a bikini top counts as a bra (or as a shirt, for that matter). I spent an embarrassingly long time coming up with this outfit to run errands and go to the movies on Monday. It mostly worked out OK, but my feet were killing me by the end of the day. But I would like to point out that I spent most of last week in bare feet, so I’m still getting used to the shoe thing. Either I make very impractical shoe choices, or I really needed that vacation. Probably both.

Top (on sale) // Jeans (on sale) // Shoes (on sale) // similar Bag (on sale)

Apparently I like black, white, & blue. It’s the real life remix…

ann taylor white jeans, embellished chambray shirt, snakeskin pumps, silver satchel, fancy ponytail

Double Navy + a New ‘Do

navy polka dot tee, flared skirt, report sandals, mint rebecca minkoff, statement jewelry navy polka dot tee, flared skirt, report sandals, mint rebecca minkoff, statement jewelry navy polka dot tee, flared skirt, report sandals, mint rebecca minkoff, statement jewelry navy polka dot tee, flared skirt, report sandals, mint rebecca minkoff, statement jewelry navy polka dot tee, flared skirt, report sandals, mint rebecca minkoff, statement jewelry navy polka dot tee, flared skirt, report sandals, mint rebecca minkoff, statement jewelry

Every once in a while I dig the whole monochromatic thing. Yesterday was one of those days, apparently. I felt like a had a brand new dress just by doubling up on the navy. And speaking of colors, if it looks like my hair’s a little darker, that’s because it is. Maybe I’m just looking forward to fall, but I felt like switching it up a little. I wore this hair and navy out for a pizza date last night.

That’s all for today, folks! I have a wedding to go to on Saturday, then I’m leaving for the BEACH! My mind is already on the weekend, hence the lack of the fantastic wit to which you have become so accustomed. Hang in there; it’ll be back.

Top (on sale) // similar Skirt // Bag // similar Necklace // similar Sunglasses // Shoes (on sale) // similar Ring (on sale) // Fingernails // Toenails