The Winner Is

sezane floral blazer, mom jeans

When: April 4, 2021 // Weather: 60s // Real life: outdoor brunch

sezane floral blazer, mom jeans
sezane floral blazer, mom jeans
sezane floral blazer, mom jeans
sezane floral blazer, mom jeans
sezane floral blazer, mom jeans

It finally happened. For years, I’ve tried to see all the Oscar nominees for best picture, and I’ve gotten close but never achieved it until this year. The Academy Award for achievement in sitting on my ass and watching artsy movies goes to: ME.

In case you’re wondering, my favorites were Nomadland, The Father, and Sound of Metal! Now, let me get back to watching the awards (it’s my version of Super Bowl Sunday).

Jacket (sustainable brand) // Jeans (c/o Mott & Bow) // Sunglasses are secondhand Illevesta // Necklaces (made from 99% recycled materials) // look for Tory Burch bags secondhand

Old Fashioned

floral jacket, skinny cords, white tee, pink Ray Ban aviators

When: August 3 // Weather: warm // Real life: work

floral jacket, skinny cords, white tee, pink Ray Ban aviators

floral jacket, skinny cords, white tee, pink Ray Ban aviators

floral jacket, skinny cords, white tee, pink Ray Ban aviators

^Take note. This might be the first time I’ve actually pulled off the effortless, nonchalant look. It will most likely never happen again.^

floral jacket, skinny cords, white tee, pink Ray Ban aviators

floral jacket, skinny cords, white tee, pink Ray Ban aviators

When I wore this, someone said “I like your jacket! Or is it a shirt?” Well, it doesn’t have buttons, snaps, or zippers of any kind, so I’m going to call it a jacket. Call me old fashioned, but I generally prefer my shirts to close in the front.

Also, yes, I’m aware this is the third outfit in a row I’ve posted featuring a white tee shirt. Apparently I’ve just now figured out what everyone else already knew.

Jacket // Tee // similar Pants // similar Bracelet // Sunglasses // Shoes (on sale) // similar Bag