When: last Tuesday // Weather: 50s and windy // Real life: work

details: similar Ring* // similar Earrings

The thing about taking pictures of myself every day is that when I look at them later, I either think “great job, me” or “well, at least I’ve learned something.” I really want to think I looked more pulled together than these photos suggest because I was bending over to set up the tripod and then trying to rearrange myself in 10 seconds with wind blowing the wrong direction. Or maybe I really did have a weird chest wrinkle all day. Chest wrinkles are not the hot new trend for spring, in case you were wondering. Flared sleeves, yes. Chest wrinkles, no.
If you’re a new reader, I swear I’m not usually this messy. But isn’t it endearing and refreshing when a blogger doesn’t edit out all her imperfections? The answer is yes so congratulations on finding your new favorite blog.
Top // similar Vest // similar Bag (on sale) // similar Boots (on sale) // similar Sunglasses
*Ring purchased with gift card provided courtesy of Shopbop.