Take One, Pass it On: Week 1

You guys. I completed the first week of Take One, Pass it On with flying colors! Well…there were a lot of colors, but not a lot of flying. But one out of two ain’t bad. The first couple days were a bit of a struggle, but by the end of the week it got easier and pretty fun. I’m looking forward to the rest of the month.

Check out the first 7 outfits, lined up all nice and pretty with nifty labels so your brain doesn’t have to work so hard (it’s Saturday, after all):

week1a week1b week1c week1d week1e week1f

I’ve been blown away by the response to my remix idea (I mean knew it was awesome; I just didn’t know if other people were cool enough to recognize my genius). Here are a few other bloggers that are playing along already. I’m sure there will be more of you in the coming weeks!

Delusions of Grandeur

Happy Thursday, folks. Today Sarah’s Real Life is featured on the blog of a fellow petite and broke graduate student, Bonnie. Her blog is called Delusions of Grandeur, and she runs a series called Academically Inclined where she features stylish women of academia. That’s where I come in.

Take a moment to stop by Bonnie’s blog and see a round-up of a few of my favorite recent outfits, and of course see what else Bonnie has to offer (she’s adorable and I’m jealous of her hair).