Fancy-Ass Headband

pink suede mules, scarf headband, denim skirt outfit

When: April 17 // Weather: 60s and sunny // Real life: work

pink suede mules, scarf headband, denim skirt outfit

pink suede mules, scarf headband, denim skirt outfit

pink suede mules, scarf headband, denim skirt outfit

pink suede mules, scarf headband, denim skirt outfit

pink suede mules, scarf headband, denim skirt outfit

pink suede mules, scarf headband, denim skirt outfit

Check it out – this is a headband that’s made to look like you’ve artfully tied a silk scarf around your head. Because tying a scarf yourself is for paupers. I’m a woman of means who has no problem dropping 8 whole dollars (with tax that’s almost a Hamilton, folks) for someone to do the work for me. I’m very fancy.

(Actually now that I think about it, at that price, the person who did the work probably didn’t get paid a whole lot, so if anyone can tell me where to get a more ethically produced fancy-ass headband, please advise.)

Headband // Shoes // Sweater // similar Skirt // Bag (cheaper option if you’re not feeling so fancy)