Budgeting Bloggers: January

January Budget Breakdown

I’m sitting here working on this post and watching Parks & Recreation, which is LIT-RALLY the greatest show in the universe. If you don’t watch it, you should start immediately and don’t stop until you’ve caught up on the first 6 seasons. Done? OK, great. So now you understand the concept behind “Treat Yo Self.” That’s what Tom and Donna are doing in tonight’s episode, and it’s what I did for myself this whole month. I opted not to bedazzle my elbows because it’s just not practical in the winter. Instead I stocked up on sweaters, coats, and jewelry.

As you probably remember, I use my blogging income to supplement my shopping budget, and January was a good month so I had plenty to work with. I would have spent the rest of my budget, but I had to hold back thanks to good ol’ vehicle troubles. It’s a little too cold to walk 15 miles to work, and I have exactly zero pairs of shoes appropriate for such distances. So. New tire thingamajig for me. #TreatYoself

My Budget

  • ~$335 ($150 starting budget plus $185 leftover from December)
  • ~$479 (blog income)
  • ~$18 (sold old clothes)

        = $832

What I Spent

        = $644 (total retail value: $1,115!)

Look at that, $188 under budget. That almost makes up for my bill at the mechanic. There were only a couple things I bought at full price. I definitely took advantage of all the post-holiday sales.

What I Received

See how the rest of the budgeting bloggers treated themselves this month – linking up with Franish!

Budgeting Bloggers: December

December Budget Breakdown


Hey, look everyone! I’ve officially done one full year of Budgeting Bloggers posts. I was thinking of adding up everything I’ve spent the whole year, but it didn’t seem right to do that to myself around the holidays. But there is one special thing I’m doing for this month’s post: TWO collages! I know. You didn’t know life could get any better than just one glorious, haphazard collection of stuff I added to my closet. Well, turns out it can. Due to my sparkling personality, many people love me and buy me pretty things for Christmas. I know presents from my family don’t cost me anything, but the fact that I knew I would be receiving some things did have an influence on what I bought myself this month, so I decided to include them. Plus I just wanted to show off the cute stuff I got.

OK. Down to business.

My Budget

  • ~$166 (starting budget of $150, plus $16 unspent in November)
  • ~$357 (blog income)


What I Spent

       =$338 (total retail value: $764)

Look at me, way under budget! Good way to end the year. I decided to save some of my dough for next month because I have my eye on a nice watch from Daniel Wellington!

What I Received (from blog sponsors)

And now for the truly free stuff:

Xmas gifts

See how the other Budgeting Bloggers ended the year by checking them out at Franish!