Gatsby Date Outfit

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Last week I was at Target getting a Mother’s Day card and I naturally ended up in the accessories section – since it’s so close to the cards and all. Anywho, Tar-Jay had a bunch of 20s-inspired jewelry and I thought it would be fun grab a little something to wear on my much anticipated Great Gatsby movie date! (I went with a necklace that I can’t find online, but check your local Target.)

The art deco-esque necklace was sort of a jumping off point for this 20s-inspired outfit. I wasn’t going for a costumey look, just a few Gatsby-era touches. Since I didn’t know how to fake a bob, I went for a Gibson tuck – I guess those were going out of style by the 1920s, but it’s the best vintage look I could do with my limited skills. The drapiness of this cardigan kind of reminded me of the draped backs on fancy 20s dresses. I finished it off with a bunch of fake pearls on my wrist and my very favorite shoes which just happened to have an art deco feel to them.

P.S. The movie was good, but I have to admit I was mostly excited for the costumes, and they did not disappoint!

P.P.S. That’s me doing the Charleston in the montage at the end. If you want to see more of my amazing dance skills, be sure to check out the outtakes I posted over the weekend.

similar Dress // similar Necklace // similar Cardigan (on sale) // similar Shoes