Picnic in the Park

Vetta Capsule convertible trench, suede adidas, retro sunglasses

When: March 25 // Weather: 60ish // Real life: socially distant picnic in the park

Vetta Capsule convertible trench, suede adidas, retro sunglasses
Vetta Capsule convertible trench, suede adidas, retro sunglasses
Vetta Capsule convertible trench, suede adidas, retro sunglasses
Vetta Capsule convertible trench, suede adidas, retro sunglasses

That’s the joyous face of someone who is relishing the freedom of the outdoors. I don’t know if the rules are different where you are, but here the public parks are still open, and I’m so glad they are. Taking walks around the neighborhood is nice and all, but when there are extremely limited activities to do outside the house, it’s nice to be able to go somewhere. When I go somewhere, that means I get to put on an outfit. When I get to put on an outfit, that means I’m happy.

Speaking of outfits, I’m really excited about this brand I learned about recently, Vetta Capsule (this is not sponsored, but I wouldn’t turn down an offer). I’m not really into the whole “capsule wardrobe” thing, but I am into garments that are easy to wear in different ways. So get this: the sleeves of this trench coat zip off so it becomes a long vest! I haven’t worn it that way yet, but I’m pretty excited about it. (Don’t know about you, but I get excited about almost anything during quarantine.) I’m trying to support smaller businesses during this craziness, so I’ve ordered several pieces from Vetta (and a few other brands).

Considering I leave the house once a week at best, I should be able to show you all my new stuff by mid-2023. YAY.

Trench (sustainable brand) // similar Jeans // Sunglasses // similar Shoes

Femme & Fierce

Hermes belt, mom jeans, graphic tee, everlane flats

When: pre-pandemic (early March) // Weather: 60ish // Real life: weekending

Hermes belt, mom jeans, graphic tee, everlane flats
Hermes belt, mom jeans, graphic tee, everlane flats
Hermes belt, mom jeans, graphic tee, everlane flats
Hermes belt, mom jeans, graphic tee, everlane flats
Hermes belt, mom jeans, graphic tee, everlane flats

This is it — the last of my pre-pandemic, pre-quarantine, pre-social-distancing, pre-hell outfits saved on my camera roll. The hair will get greasier more root-forward from here on out, so prepare yourself.

I feel slightly weird continuing to post my usual content in the midst of all this awfulness, but then again, the concept of outfit blogs is silly to begin with, so I might as well continue being silly in the hopes that it temporarily distracts us from our troubles.

Stay femme and fierce, friends.

similar Shirt // another similar Shirt // Belt // Jeans (c/o Mott & Bow) // Flats (sustainable brand) // similar Bag (secondhand)