Femme & Fierce

Hermes belt, mom jeans, graphic tee, everlane flats
Hermes belt, mom jeans, graphic tee, everlane flats

When: pre-pandemic (early March) // Weather: 60ish // Real life: weekending

Hermes belt, mom jeans, graphic tee, everlane flats
Hermes belt, mom jeans, graphic tee, everlane flats
Hermes belt, mom jeans, graphic tee, everlane flats
Hermes belt, mom jeans, graphic tee, everlane flats
Hermes belt, mom jeans, graphic tee, everlane flats

This is it — the last of my pre-pandemic, pre-quarantine, pre-social-distancing, pre-hell outfits saved on my camera roll. The hair will get greasier more root-forward from here on out, so prepare yourself.

I feel slightly weird continuing to post my usual content in the midst of all this awfulness, but then again, the concept of outfit blogs is silly to begin with, so I might as well continue being silly in the hopes that it temporarily distracts us from our troubles.

Stay femme and fierce, friends.

similar Shirt // another similar Shirt // Belt // Jeans (c/o Mott & Bow) // Flats (sustainable brand) // similar Bag (secondhand)