Scratch & Sniff

embroidered button-up shirt, skinny jeans, bead hoop earrings

When: June 8 // Weather: hot // Real life: work

embroidered button-up shirt, skinny jeans, bead hoop earrings

embroidered button-up shirt, skinny jeans, bead hoop earrings

embroidered button-up shirt, skinny jeans, bead hoop earrings

embroidered button-up shirt, skinny jeans, bead hoop earrings

I’m skeptical by nature. I stopped believing in Santa at age 5, stopped going to church at 16, and astrology? I never fell for that B.S. for a second. But my life-long back problems have been particularly annoying lately, and I’m getting desperate. Not desperate enough to pray or anything ridiculous like that, but desperate enough to look into non-traditional, hippie-dippie crap like acupuncture and essential oils.

I haven’t actually tried acupuncture yet, but I’m thinking about it. Anybody tried it for back pain? Love? Hate? Give me the scoop. I did try essential oils though, and I was pleasantly surprised (freaked out almost) at how quickly they worked. I used peppermint and lavender EOs diluted in coconut oil and rubbed them on my back, and within 5 minutes the muscles were just as relaxed as when I take a prescription muscle relaxer! Don’t go giving me a tarot reading or anything, but I might be an aromatherapy convert.

Earrings // similar Shoes // similar Bag // similar Sunglasses



Here Lies…

YSL college bag, white oxfords, puff sleeve polka dot top

When: May 8 // Weather: 70s // Real life: work

YSL college bag, white oxfords, puff sleeve polka dot top

YSL college bag, white oxfords, puff sleeve polka dot top

YSL college bag, white oxfords, puff sleeve polka dot top

YSL college bag, white oxfords, puff sleeve polka dot top

I’m brainstorming options for my tombstone. There’s nothing wrong with planning ahead 70 years. I’m thinking maybe:

Here lies Sarah. She liked a subtle sleeve.

Or perhaps:

Here lies Sarah. Not lays. Sarah was good at grammar.

I’ll keep tossing around ideas. I know one thing for sure though: I will be buried with this bag.

similar Top // Bag (lower price option) // similar Shoes // similar Sunglasses // Watch (on sale)

