In the News…

It’s been a pretty eventful couple of weeks. I went to the state fair for the first time…I got a hair cut…I had a birthday. For those of you not in a committed relationship with Instagram, here are a few things you might have missed:

a1Shirt (on sale) // Skirt (on sale) // similar Shoes

Here I am, freshly cut and colored. I decided to grow out my bangs, so it goes without saying this was a historic day. P.S. I got a ton of compliments on this outfit on IG – thanks, everyone!

a2Top // similar Shoes

Somewhat embarrassing but true: It wasn’t until I took this shirt off at the end of the day that I noticed it has buttons all the way up the back!

a3Jacket (on sale) // similar Dress // Bag

I went to a First Friday art show for my friend Rob and I may have acquired a painting of a dancing robot. Yay art!


I finally went to the Indiana State Fair, so now everyone can stop bothering me about it. (Honestly, I enjoyed myself much more than I expected! You can read more about it here.)


Of course, going to the fair for the first time also means eating deep friend Oreos for the first time.


It’s getting close to the end of summer, so I’m trying to make sure I wear all my favorite summer-only items, like this scuba material floral skirt I got a couple years ago from J. Crew. (No, it’s not available anymore, but have you spied the new arrivals at the Crew?! So much pretty. Hold me back.)


I already had these sunglasses in yellow, but I love the shape so much I got them in burgundy too. They also come in pink and clear and tortoise, and they’re all on sale!


I couldn’t survive such a busy month without all of the coffee, right?! I call these my “weekend mugs” because they’re huge, and the weekend is the only time I actually have time to sip and enjoy a really big cup of coffee.

a9similar Shoes // similar Skirt

Another summery skirt I made a point to wear recently before it looks totally out of place. I feel like this pattern makes me look like I’m wearing the wallpaper of a retro diner in the best possible way. Now I want a milkshake and a cone-shaped bra.

a10similar Dress // similar Shoes // Clutch

Oh, did I mention Saturday was my birthday?! 😉 I had a relatively low-key day that started with mimosas and manicures, continued with some shopping, and ended with an amazing dinner with a couple friends at the Northside Social (where I wore this).

Also, for the past four days, I’m apparently unable to breathe without wearing stripes. See Exhibit A above, and…

a11Skirt (on sale) // similar Bag // similar Shoes

…Exhibit B, what I wore to work yesterday, and…


Shoes // similar Jeans // similar Bag // Earrings

…Exhibit C, what I wore to the movies on Sunday, and…


…Exhibit D, an awkward selfie I took before leaving for work on Monday just because I had a new necklace and did a good job styling my new hair. Hey, not every day can include a birthday or the state fair, so I have to find my excitement where I can. OH! This is actually somewhat exciting: I might have found my new go-to, everyday pink lipstick. This is Rouge Dior Baume in “Diorette.” It goes on really smooth and a little sheer so it’s not too bold.

OK, on that thrilling note, I’m going to sign off. Happy Hump Day, everyone!



Animal (Fashion) House

It’s Friday, folks! Why not do something a little different today? Glad you suggested it. Last week I spent a fabulous day at ZooBoo at the Indianapolis Zoo. I’m a big fan of our zoo already, but ZooBoo is an especially fun time to go because the zoo is all decorated! If you’re in the area, I really recommend going, especially if you love Halloween and/or have young kids.

Anyway, when I was there, I saw lots of little kids dressed up as animals. We’ve all worn at animal costume at least once in our lives, right? For Halloween or a school play or dance recital? I know I have. But I also got to thinking how funny it is that a lot of regular clothes we wear as adults have some pretty obvious animal influence. And why shouldn’t they? Animals always look fabulous.

I put together a few examples inspired by some of the animals I saw at the Indy Zoo. This is mostly just for fun, but I’ve included links to the clothes in case you’re interested in where to buy. And don’t worry…as far as I know, none of the animals pictured were actually used to make the clothes! 🙂

indianapolis zoo, zoo boo, animal print, fashion, indianapolis fashion blog

Kenneth Cole Faux Leather Jacket
indianapolis zoo, zoo boo, animal print, fashion, indianapolis fashion blog

Dolce Vita Ombre Lace Dress
indianapolis zoo, zoo boo, animal print, fashion, indianapolis fashion blog

Cheetah Print Jacketindianapolis zoo, zoo boo, animal print, fashion, indianapolis fashion blog

DVF Zebra Ruched Dressindianapolis zoo, zoo boo, animal print, fashion, indianapolis fashion blog

Dooney & Bourke Giraffe Toteindianapolis zoo, zoo boo, animal print, fashion, indianapolis fashion blog

Moschino Cheap & Chic Tuxedo Dressindianapolis zoo, zoo boo, animal print, fashion, indianapolis fashion blog

Sam Edelman Faux Fur Coat

Hmmm, see any resemblance?

Hope you all have a great weekend. If you’re in the central Indiana area, why not check out some of these lovely creatures? ZooBoo runs this weekend and next from 2-7pm. Click here for more info. Here are a few more photos I took at ZooBoo:

indianapolis zoo, zoo boo, animal print, fashion, indianapolis fashion blog Disclosure: The Indianapolis Zoo provided me with free tickets and a parking pass to attend ZooBoo in return for social media and blog coverage of the event. I got this opportunity thanks in part to my membership of Indy Social Media Moms. But all opinions are my own – I love the zoo!