Guest Post: [Kaitlin’s] Real Life

Guys, tomorrow is my last exam! So today I bring you the fourth and final guest post (for now, anyway). If you were hoping to see pictures of a frumpy, homely girl, I’m afraid you will be very disappointed. Kaitlin here is drop dead gorgeous and has some awesome style to boot. Go check out her blog for more!

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Top: Madewell | Necklace: Vintage | Pants: J Crew Collection | Shoes: Gianni Bini

Hey there! My name is Kaitlin, I’m a big fan of Sarah’s Real Life and am thrilled to be guest posting today.

Like Sarah, I believe that an essential aspect of great personal style is the ability to dress in a way that is appropriate and practical for one’s life.  When I  moved from laidback Idaho to the bustling city of Hong Kong, my wardrobe needed a major rehaul.  Outfits that were considered practical for my everyday life in Idaho felt much too casual for this city. Over time, I had to adjust my wardrobe to fit the changes in my lifestyle.

Last month, I wore this look to the Popstraction exhibition opening at the Gagosian Gallery.  This is a look that I keep wanting to repeat because it manages to strike a good middle ground between dressy and casual, making it appropriate for a multitude of situations.  I love being able to take an old favorite, the chambray shirt, and incorporate it into my wardrobe in a way that suits the current demands of my life.

If you’d like to read more about my daily adventures and fashion picks, check out the links below:

Thanks for reading!

Guest Post: [Lacey’s] Real Life

Happy Friday, everyone! The good news is I’m 2 exams down; the bad news is I have 2 more to go. Luckily Lacey offered to do a guest post for me. She rocks. Can we talk about how annoyingly pretty her hair is?
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Hi Sarah’s Real Life readers! My name is Lacey from My Boring Closet and I’m honored to be guest posting for Sarah today.
I wore this outfit in “real life” to go see one of my best friends audition to be a Denver Broncos Cheerleader. It was literally the most grueling audition process I’ve ever witnessed…those girls deserve MAJOR props!! Side note: did anyone ever watch that show “Next Dallas Cowboys Cheerleader”? I loved it!
In Denver, spring is taking its sweet time coming around, so yes, my poor legs are still sheathed in tights! This outfit is perfect for this awkward transitional weather and is super easy and comfy. Sweater + shorts + tights + booties + faux leather = done. My style is all about using things I already have in my closet in different ways, so this is a great way to use both winter and summer pieces in one outfit.
I hope that spring has sprung wherever you’re reading this from. Have a fantastic week! xo Lacey