Pumpkin Spice Pants

Theory blazer, striped tee, skinny pants with sock booties

When: Nov. 14 // Weather: 30s // Real life: work

Theory blazer, striped tee, skinny pants with sock booties
Theory blazer, striped tee, skinny pants with sock booties
Theory blazer, striped tee, skinny pants with sock booties
Theory blazer, striped tee, skinny pants with sock booties

I have a confession to make: I started listening to Christmas music 4 days before Thanksgiving. I know. I’m normally a “one holiday at a time” person. I want to have my pumpkin spice everything (including pants, apparently) up through Thanksgiving, and then switch to gingerbread everything.

And I’ve noticed that these 2 camps of people – the early Xmas celebrators and the late – seem to get really worked up over the people who don’t follow their preferred timeline. What’s that about? If you want to deck your halls right after Halloween, do it. Just don’t expect to see a wreath on my door for another month after that.

Whatever roasts your chestnuts or spins your dreidel, friends. Happy Holidays. (It’s December, so I can say that now.)

P.S. I found this beautiful Theory blazer at a secondhand store for $20! I’m starting to understand why people like thrift shopping – the excitement of an amazing find is pretty great.

Shirt // Blazer // similar Pants // similar Boots // Bag (rented) // Necklace

Pizza Sweater

faux leather spanx leggings, leopard sweater, long blazer

When: Oct. 29 // Weather: chilly // Real life: work

faux leather spanx leggings, leopard sweater, long blazer
faux leather spanx leggings, leopard sweater, long blazer
faux leather spanx leggings, leopard sweater, long blazer
faux leather spanx leggings, leopard sweater, long blazer
faux leather spanx leggings, leopard sweater, long blazer

This is my “pizza sweater.” Go ahead…scroll up, zoom in, and try to figure out why the hell I’m calling this a pizza sweater. Give up? Good, you should, because you won’t guess.

In September when I went to the beach with my family and we got evacuated for the second year in a row (true story), I went back inland and stayed with my sister in Durham. We hung out, went to museums and restaurants, watched movies, drank wine, and watched her dogs chase each other around. Still a pretty good vacation if you ask me.

One of those days in Durham, it was super rainy because we were still on the outskirts of the hurricane. Rather than go out to dinner, we thought it would be nice to stay in and eat frozen pizzas. We went to Target to procure said pizzas, and in the process got pretty soaked. When we got blasted with the A/C in Target, we were freezing. Target in all of its evil magic somehow knew this would happen, and presented us with a table of cute, soft sweaters for $20. One of them was this leopard sweater, which I promptly purchased and will forever call my “pizza sweater.”

Sweater // Leggings (mine are thrifted from Poshmark!) // similar Bag // similar Boots // similar Jacket