Dream Boot

sezane studded booties, flat boots, black midi skirt, ysl heart sunglasses
sezane studded booties, flat boots, black midi skirt, ysl heart sunglasses

When: October 7 // Weather: fall perfection // Real life: working from home

sezane studded booties, flat boots, black midi skirt, ysl heart sunglasses
sezane studded booties, flat boots, black midi skirt, ysl heart sunglasses
sezane studded booties, flat boots, black midi skirt, ysl heart sunglasses
sezane studded booties, flat boots, black midi skirt, ysl heart sunglasses

I tried my best to commit to “Secondhand September” (not buying any new clothes for the whole month), but I broke down around the 29th and ordered these boots because…I mean…come on. I’m always saying that my ideal personal style is “Parisian badass,” and these boots are from a Parisian company, and they’re pretty badass. These boots might be the key to pulling my whole wardrobe together, and I couldn’t risk them selling out. I would have been so désolée. Hope you like them because you’ll be seeing them a lot this fall and winter and for many falls and winters to come!

Jacket (sustainable brand) // similar Skirt (quasi-sustainable brand) // Boots (sustainable brand) // Sunglasses (secondhand) // Earrings