#1 Fanny

fashion fanny pack, gingham sneakers, aviator hat

fashion fanny pack, gingham sneakers, aviator hat

When: July 27 // Weather: warm and sunny // Real life: family fun in Greenville, SC

fashion fanny pack, gingham sneakers, aviator hat

fashion fanny pack, gingham sneakers, aviator hat

fashion fanny pack, gingham sneakers, aviator hat

fashion fanny pack, gingham sneakers, aviator hat

I did it, OK? I got a fashion fanny pack. And I shan’t apologize. Because I really like it. Just think of all the sweet dance moves I can do now that my arms are free and I don’t have a crossbody throwing off my center of balance. I don’t normally go to clubs but I might have to start. They open at 7:00, right?

Bag (on sale) // Hat // similar Shorts // similar Shoes // Sunglasses

2 thoughts on “#1 Fanny”

  1. Mmh, I’d rather leave around 6 pm to have plenty of time. You could even order a camomille tea from the bartender 😉 Don’t forget to hone your charleston moves!

  2. P.S: the “fanny pack” rather gives off German tourist vibes… with a chic twist, I think! But you can pull it off! Love the gingham shoes by the way

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