I actually wore this to work last Friday, but it would be the perfect almost-Halloween outfit, wouldn’t it? You know, when you want to acknowledge the holiday with actually dressing like a jackolantern? There’s not much time left to think of a costume if you’ve been procrastinating. Might I suggest Rosie the Riveter or Cher from Clueless? Or you could dress as a Basic B*tch and wear skinny jeans and carry around a Starbucks cup. Whatever. Just some ideas.
I hope everyone has a safe and fun weekend. If you’re handing out candy, I believe it’s common practice to eat 2 pieces for every 1 you hand out. If you’re a trick-or-treating chaperone, I suggest getting an agreement with your child in writing that entitles you to at least 30% of all brand-name candy (assuming your child is a minor, you’ll have to sign on his/her behalf so you have pretty much unlimited negotiating power here…go nuts). Finally, if you’re lucky enough to have some adult fun tomorrow night, for the love of goblins don’t drink and drive. Ain’t nobody got time for that.
Jacket* // Jeans // Shoes // Bag // Sunglasses // Rings (on sale)
*Jacket purchased with gift card provided courtesy of Shopbop.
This post was cracking me up! “For the love of goblins..”
Your outfit is SO adorable, too!
XO, Jaime | RegallySoled.com