Black and White and…

lawyer style blog, business casual outfit

lawyer style blog, business casual outfit

lawyer style blog, business casual outfit

lawyer style blog, business casual outfit

lawyer style blog, business casual outfit

lawyer style blog, business casual outfit

lawyer style blog, business casual outfit

Top // similar Skirt // Jacket // Necklace // Bracelets // similar Shoes

I have no regrets that I bought both the midi skirt and the shirt in this fun black & white mod print. I’ve now worn each piece 3 times since I got them in May. I started pulling my fall/winter clothes out of storage over the weekend, which means packing up some warm-weather-only items. Sometimes I have trouble deciding what I should put away to save space (still a concern even in my new epic closet), and what I will actually want to wear through the winter. I made the executive decision to keep this set around. The black and white print goes with pretty much any color I want to add, which so far has included pink, mint, orange, yellow, and blue (scroll down for the proof). I haven’t tried any darker fall colors yet, but I’m ready to give it a shot.

On the other hand, I couldn’t come up with any good reason to keep out my white eyelet dress or my t-shirt that says “BEACH” on it. I’m pretty good at remixing, but there’s not a lot I can do with those pieces during a Midwest winter, other than glare at them angrily through my chattering teeth.

lawyer style blog, business casual outfit

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